Onsite water penetration testing for joinery and facades
Superior solution for roof and deck membrane testing
Years Experience
International Experience
About Company
Reliable NZ Joinery & Membrane Testing
A multifaceted company specialising in the non-destructive detection of water leakage on joinery also roof and deck membrane testing during construction projects.
International experience complemented by an intimate knowledge of local markets and trends
Quality Assurance
All-in-one quality assurance property solutions for offices, retail, industrial, hotels, and residential properties.
What We’re Offering
We offer onsite water joinery and facade testing and electronic leak detection services for roof and deck membranes.
With joinery water and membrane testing, Rommel LTD can help provide building quality assurance processes during construction.
What else do we do
The Best Leakage Membrane Detection and Joinery Testing Services
Committed to providing our customers with a variety of ESSENTIAL QUALITY CONTROL services.
We are an independent third party company that can give you expert and unbiased advice by conducting several different water tests to simulate leaks in floors, walls, shopfront glazing, roof decks, building envelopes, grading and fenestration systems.
Auntri Construction